I am slowly finding my ways around Oxford, and today i've had a thrifty day. I first passed by Oxfam where they had a special camera sale (including a lomo at 99p! Shame it was the same I have), and then I found a poster pointing to an Alley I didn't even notice, and i found a dozen of elderly ladies selling bits and pieces. But they were closing and I moved on to the Oxfam book fair. Oh, yes. You know that as far as books are concerned, i am a sinner.
And forgive me, readers, for I have sinned. I have bought the catalogue of the Great Japan Exhibition of Art of the Edo period (1600-1868), by the Royal Academy of the Arts. And the main reason were the Kimonos. The impredictability of the colors and patterns and motifs to my western eye! Ihave taken shabby pics of them for you to check them out: