Pink visions
I swear I am not girlie. I do not want to be a girlie-girl. I am scared of the insane proliferation of pink things. I am disgusted at pink technology aimed at girls. Nonetheless, I am having visions of pink lately. I think it all started with a bunch of roses I bought. We'll see where all of this ends. At the moment, the visions have flowrs, walls, woods and whites. Sometimes they have metallics too. What do you think, is it reversible?
Click on images too see source.
oh god, that happened to me too.
Do you think it's some kind of Pink virus, going around girls that swore they would never wear pink??
Please tell me if you know, I'm about to paint my office pink! :D
I toyed with the idea of painting all my childhood furniture pink but decided on turquoise years ago. It's now chipped and in need of repainting. Maybe it's time for pink? I'd think it would be overwhelming, but these pictures are awesome!
Certament, tant de rosa resulta empalagós, artificial i "plasticant". No obstant, algun toc de rosa ben dossificat pot ressaltar uns mobles foscos, donant una certa sensació de joventut.