Hella Jongerius

Having done design sometimes makes me want to cry. Like when nobody thought much of a piece and then you see a very similar thing has won an award, or when Hella Jongerius comes up with a table very similar to what you spent ages doing but nobody thought it would hold (I do acknowledge this is very well resolved). I'll quietly sit sighing whilst you can check it out here.

PS: Have you seen her new designs for Ikea?!

One Response

  1. No hi ha dret!
    Jo t'he vist treballar, buscar,trencar-te el cap amb unes peces de colors per a construir una meravellosa taula que els professors del mític St. Martins et van dir que no era possible. I ara ha surtit aquesta d'una firma famosa . És indignant de veure com una creativitat espectacular no és copsada com cal. Es que ja ha passat amb molts altres projectes. Ón està la gent que pot fer realitat uns fantàstics dissenys d'una genial professional? -Crec que algú se n'hauria d'adonar.

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at http://www.mariagilulldemolins.com

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