À Paris!

Yay! I got a scholarship to learn (or rather, re-learn) French for three weeks (that's why the shop's closed). Alors, je suis à Paris!
Paris is ridiculously cute. It's beautiful even in the rain, and totally ideal: music live in the streets, loads of art, very cheap second hand books stores everywhere... goodness! If I only managed to improve my French dramatically.

The Pompidou has a rather fab show on contemporary India which has, as a side-activity, a huge photomaton that prints A3 or A2 b&w images. Mignon, non? (pic., not mine, from here).

Also, an article by me appeared in the fantastic Lecturas magazine, from Chile. For those of you that speak Spanish, it's here.

Also, as usual, you can find me pinning at Pinterest!

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at http://www.mariagilulldemolins.com

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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