
I love the emaning of clousure in English. That way of finishing something physically and emotionally. The idea of letting go and moving on.
I'm closing the shop for the holidays, and I'll be back on the 3rd. Just in case. And then, on the 6th I'll proceed to closing it for good.

Thanks everyone for having been so fantastic and supportive. See you back for the last time in january.

PS: Energy doesn't die, it cycles. Here's where it's all going now. And it's damn active!

So... news!

I've been thinking about how to post this and I haven't come to a conclusion, so I'll just go for it.
You might have seen I've change my website quite a lot. This change answers a need to reflect my current work better. And here's the thing: the new site is less visual, less image-based.

I've been extraordinarily lucky to find a part time collaboration in Madrid (the current economic climate in Spain has 40% of recent graduates unemployed, so I am lucky). What I do combines very, very well most of my areas of expertise: I am an innovation and design manager/consultant (we haven't quite agreed on the name yet :) ). This needs me to be creative, but also requires trendhunting, research and analytical skills, intuition and I even throw in my more theoretical side. I'm seeing amazing people and customers, and I'm doing design thinking workshops, which I love doing.

This means that, as I threatened to do before summer, I feel that my priorities have shifted and the current up-keeping of the shop just doesn't pay off. You've seen the pics of the post office these days: it's hours and hours of waiting for a very, very small profit margin. It get to a point were the balance between joy and inconvenience just doesn't work out.

So my thoughts are that after the Christmas campaign I will choose to close the shop in order to focus on my local life. So get your Nosideup whilst you can!

All the best,


Post office rush

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Oh dear. This is what my local post office looks like these days. Please do bear with me and any delays there might have been...! (the queue continued outside the building)...

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4


Dear, dear, dear. It's almost Christmas! I've had wonderful, wonderful, wonderful year. And I thought to myself... you know what? What comes around must go around. So here it is, a good karma for all offer. The bags are awesome and they should go to awesome houses. So I reduced them $6, so that you can make your xmas gifts fairtrade and organic this year. Namaste. And thanks.

À Paris!

Yay! I got a scholarship to learn (or rather, re-learn) French for three weeks (that's why the shop's closed). Alors, je suis à Paris!
Paris is ridiculously cute. It's beautiful even in the rain, and totally ideal: music live in the streets, loads of art, very cheap second hand books stores everywhere... goodness! If I only managed to improve my French dramatically.

The Pompidou has a rather fab show on contemporary India which has, as a side-activity, a huge photomaton that prints A3 or A2 b&w images. Mignon, non? (pic., not mine, from here).

Also, an article by me appeared in the fantastic Lecturas magazine, from Chile. For those of you that speak Spanish, it's here.

Also, as usual, you can find me pinning at Pinterest!

Sneak peak

This was the final choice... my beloved Katherina!
And, as you can see, the bags are now ORGANIC FAIR TRADE!
This was really important to me.
These have been printed by the lovely people of I Dress Myself, who print with eco-friendly materials and techniques.
I am SO excited about these!
I'll put them up tin the shop asap!

At the Kusama opening

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Mr M. (the handsome fella unrecognizable in the pic) and I attended the opening of the Kusama retrospective at the Reina Sofía yesterday night and boy, was it fun! Walking around someone else's paranoia was nice for a change. It's going to be an itinerant show. Make sure you catch it at your nearest museum!

PS: First post from my dear new android phone. Excuse the inevitable messes!
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A little compilation

... of all the stories of all the Hairdo ladies.

A lot of you have been asking about the written stories, so this is my way to appreciate the interest.
You can pick and mix here.

PS: Have you been to my pinterest, lately? There's wuite a lot going on! I love pinning!

Chocolate Mousse

I had lovely Mica and lovely Josué for supper yesterday. I had heard rumors about the original chocolat mousse recipe being only chocolate and water. Molecular cooking and all.
So Mr. M and I tried. And guess what? It works. Brilliantly.
Go try. It's natural, vegan and almost healthy if you choose the right chocolate.

Battery Charging time!

Quick note: it's holidays in Spain and I'm off to no-internet land "charging batteries" for the rest of the week. Shop will be back on Monday! Be happy!
 PS. Wax cloth is an amazing material with an amazing story. One of my last essays for my MA is on the identity issues raised by these textiles (See Yinka Shonibare's work for further info).

Bag help!

Dear everyone,
i am on a mission to get the best quality, organic and handmade possible bags for my next round. Now, that might mean that I have to pick just one drawing ( to begin with!).
So, could you please help me pick one?
There is a poll in the Nosideup facebook page and you can also leave a comment here!


Hello again! News about the shop.

Dear everyone (if there is still someone out there!)
How is 2011 treating you?
I hope your year is being as delightful as mine is being.
I am back for a reason.
I have had a lot of time to think and to re-think and then think a bit more.
The shop has been closed for about three months although I've been able to keep up with messages left here and there.
I am here to announce that the shop will be open again from the 15th of March. But. There is always a but. Unless I change my mind, I'll re-open the shop only to close it perpetually before summer. I would expect a similar course of events for this blog as well.
I am so, so thankful for everything Nosideup has brought to my life, for all the people I've met in the way, and for all the things I've learnt. It's been nothing but positive and extraordinary.
Nonetheless, I feel thet it is time for me to move on to new things, which would not flourish under the Nosideup brand, neither would it allow me enough time to make them progress, like Les Ulldes.
I'll sell the Ladies prints, but there will be no new models, I'll re-stock the postcards and I'll possibly print a few more totes for those that did not manage to get one the first time.
I am hoping this last go at Nosideup will be as fantastic as it trajectory. And i'll be delighted if you decide to join me in this adventure one last time!

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About Me

My photo
Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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