The Indi Heroines are now up!

Yes, it has taken me a while (Like everything these days) But here they are!


Dear all,
I've been cheating on this blog, badly and openly.
Ever since Pinterest came to my life (a life where I am an intern, a MA student and an Etsian), I've been flirting with it heavily.
To me its immediacy is absolutely brilliant. I always thought there should be a visual twitter and this is even better. It saves me from keeping tabs and tabs open in order to remember to post about something, so I really just pin it.
I am not saying this is it, but my blogging is definitely on the rocks.
Nonetheless, please do feel free to pass by and join in:
Hair in Art

Stuff I'm pinning for

Patterns and


Ok. I don't know if you remember, but I had a slight "Oh dear, tumblring is the new blogging" which almost immediately turned into "Posterous is the new tumblr". None of those two went too far (including a late attempt to write fiction in tumbr).
Well. This is the new thing: Pinterest is the new tumblr. As in, Pinterest is rather amazing, clearly visual, with tons of interesting but selected people and very, very intuitive. To me, it's a much better Tumblr.
It's as easy as you just pin an image on your wall. It's one of those rituals translated from real life to virtual life that really, really works.
So, I'm really pleased to say I'm in.


Let me introduce you to Summer, Mindy, Margot, Juno, Clementine and Amèlie. The Indie Heroines.

Emily and Simon

My biggest throretical piece during my Baccalaureate was a comparison between the images of teenagers of two artists: an adult that painted teens and a teen that drew comics. The painter was Simon Henwood and he was super nice to the 17 year old me.
The other day I found out about Emily Glaubinger and her work reminded me of Hemwood's a bit more on the postpostmodern side.
So I leave you in the good company of their creations...


Glass owls

By Happy Owl.

Les Ulldes

What happens when a photographer, an enamelist and a designer get together?
Well, lovely little super affordable enamel candy-like jewellery happens.
You've got angels, princesses, meninas, little red ridding hoods and even Fridas (all three of us are massive fans of her).
Drop me a line ;)

Musical chairs

Fantastic chair made out of piano keys.
So balanced, so delicate yet bold.
By Ninestoriesfurniture.
Via Ok Great.

Madrid: So backward it's forward

This has been the motto for today's promenade around town (it's a festive day).
We've seen a shop dedicated only to woven cushions with pics of pets on it.
A show on the old militars in the Sahara, where all the exhibits were made with a big foam board, home-printed pictures (some stolen from the net), a list of references made with word and push pins.
A lady buying art in the street asking for advice to the seller because she was buying "for a very surrealist person, you know".
And a lady coimng out of the movie by Banksy (in the pic above) saying "He had such a lovely voice" (his voice is distorted to preserve his identity).
Madrid, definitely a funny place.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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