Hey everyone,
I am alive and well, very alive. I am now 24, since yesterday. And Mr M is now 24 too, since the day before yesterday (I love having our birthdays together).
We had a Wes Anderson themed party at out micro flat and it was amazing to see out friends with fake mustaches, bathroom robes and scuba goggles (we don't have pics yet).
Besides that, the internship work and the MA at the Reina Sofia Museum are slowly increasing the pressure. That's without counting life, which keeps on happening. What I'm trying to say is: I am well but busy beyond myself. I guess I will eventually be able to balance virtual and real life, but so far I just had to let the virtual one go a little.
Needless to say, I miss the blogosphere a lot.

Kehinde Wiley

You know I'm a sucker for patterns.
You know I like the world bold and colorful.
Then imagine my reaction in discovering Kehinde Wiley's art.
I know, I felt I died and went to heaven too.

Interview in Go Mag!

Lovely Anna Tomás from Go Mag has published an interview with me today!
It is in Spanish so let google translate or your old second grade Spanish class help you out wit this one :)

Want a free bag?

Thought you would....
For the first time in history, Doodlers Anonymous and Nosideup join efforts to spread some doodling love in the form of two bags... GRATIS!

Join in, be loved.

Boots, cellotape and tights

Or a misleading title for two things I found at my sister's blog, Aha!
The video uses some images I had thought of for a project on changing your own appearance with daily objects. And was really glad to see how it looked! And the bike, well, the bike just had to be passed on.
Happy Sunday!

Concrete floor tiles

So, so beautiful and, bizarrely, kind of "antique". Reminds me of places I've never been to but always wanted to go to.
Via The Best Part.

Beautiful Kenzo




or a tale of a survivor of cruelty.
One day we humans will look behind and not understand how we treated animals.
Still a long way to go.
Via a Bitt of Raw.


You've probably seen these, but they are too good not to be repeated endlessly.
Via My Love for you is a Stampede of Horses.

Ceramic seeds

Oh yes, yes they are. Seriously, I mean it.
By Ai Weiwei.
You can check them out at the Tate Modern.

Via Dezeen.

Metareality shoes

As seen in Jezebel, by Kobi Levi

My Moleskine

Floral designs with liquid watercolor and a very thin brush on brown moleskine.

Tape sculptures

Urban poetry by Mark Jenkins.
Via arto.

Oh, oh, oh

excerpt from "oh, oh, oh" from celia rowlson-hall on Vimeo.

Via the gorgeous What Alice Found.
Bizarre, enchanting, magical, ans strategic stereortype usage.

Digital Portraits

... in the shape of clothing.
(Marcus, the boy brought up by wolves).
By Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski.

The Duchess of Malfi

By Johnny Kelly, the guy who did the Procrastination animated video.

At Mr M's

Even though we do live together (and happily!), each of us has a blog and they are both really, really different. Nonetheless, today my work on Mary Sibande (pictured) is lovingly chilling at Mr M's.

PS: This might ring a bell, as it's been published in Hand/Eye too! And if you want to read the proper art theorist, long and hard version, you can pop in here.

Neon nature

By Ginette Lapalme, found at her flickr.

Magnolias and coral

This is a cross-stitch pattern from 1854 from a French magazin, Magasin des Demoiselles. I found it at the antique book fair and thought it was too beautiful to pass on it.

Scarf me up

Click on image to see where they come from...
(I would so love the one with a patchwork of asian textiles and the massive cotton ones at the top)

Domenico Gnoli

An Italian painter that painted hair...
I found this artist browsing through old catalogues in a book fair that's now up in Madrid.
Reminds me of Botero a bit, but with a mad attention to detail.
Good info in Spanish here.

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About Me

My photo
Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at http://www.mariagilulldemolins.com

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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