
"Well, well, well.
The ladies are having a fun time.
I felt so sorry that quite a few of the limited edition prints were finished or about to finish, and I was missing the ladies in them. So I've gathered them all in a fabulous sort of postcard party!
These are 10 x 15 cms and have a hand-drawn back printed on them. The card I've used is 250 grs and can be drawn on for further customization!
They come lovingly packed and ready to be shipped all over the world. Who are you sending these ladies to? Where are they going to travel to?
So many stories will arise!"

I've been thinking of presenting the do's as postcards for a while and have finally got round to it.
In this way, you can now acquire a Nosideup hairdo portrait at so many different levels:

Own portrait $ 75
Limited edition prints $20
Printed Bags $15
Postcards $10

How do you like them?
Also, find Nosideup in facebook!

Scratch n Sniff Cinema

Aromas including rotting meat and dusty books that captured the scent of The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. By Bompas and Parr.


"Casas" is one of the most beautiful patterns I've ever come accross. (and don't get me started on the coloring!)
The artists behind it are Julia and Javi, aka SuTurno (check these other prints: WOW).
They design absolutely fab textiles for themselves and other big people in the fashion industry.
And they still have time to blog!
(and be lovely).
And despite doing all of this from Madrid, they'll send you their stuff anywhere.

Sweet little pony...

... made out of sugar!

Going shopping with the ladies

Here are all the totes!
They are almost all up in the shop :)

BIG NEWS: Guess who is making a comeback

Oh yes.
They are what you think.
The Ladies (all of them) are making a comeback in unlimited edition totes.
Expect them in the shop tomorrow!

Nosideup in Facebook!

Dear all of you,
As I preparing to enter my MA, I'm trying to build a stronger Nosideup.
I've drawn a few new do's; stamped some cards; included it in my portfolio, etc.
Now, I've decided to go ahead and create a page in Facebook (you can join it here or in the box on the top right).
Even though I already had a facebook blog page, I did not have that much possibility for interaction in that one. So, if you want to join me in facebook, please do! It'll be great to have a closer feel of who you are :)

PS: Stay posted because I've got exciting news later on!

Don't shoot the bear!

Another ad, another bear.

The football smoothie maker

If you imagine yourself getting fitter through sport and drinking fruity smoothies, plus you are trying to waste less energy this may be for you.
Another great piece of madness by Dominic Wilcox.

Never say NO to a Panda

Egyptian ad campaign for a cheese brand.
Via a Bombastic Element, thanks to Mr M.

Greeting cards!

I've been experimenting with cutting and printing and stamping.
The first humble result are these greeting cards!
There are only 4 packs of them and each pack is merely 3 dollars!
See (and why not, get) them here!

The Alhondiga

The Alhondiga in Bilbao is a beautiful space designed by P. Starck (of course). I'm not his biggest fan but I liked this design. The different columns and the swimming pool on the ceiling (you can see the pople swimming above you) were lovely.

Lovely strange jewellery and I-still-don't-know-what fashion

I opened my Google Reader (which I suspect can do much more than I know) and saw a few new posts in Today and Tomorrow. The first one up was on Imme van der Haak's jewellery. Her work is Fan. Tas Tic. And I could so relate it to a recent post on Mette Klarskov Larsen. I had it all in my head, so I happily scrolled down. And the following post was on Jeremy Scott's summer 2011 fashion collection (which, by now, has been around a few blogs).

Now, I didn't know what to make of these. I already posted a similarish idea seen on a bag by LV. I do get the idea of trash and fashion. The doubt is whether the rubbishness refers to fashion (as a critique or as a joke) or to women. That's where I think this can get a bit dubious. I mean what goes inside the black bag/dress is the trash/lady. And then there are the shabby hair rollers ( a bit Gaga-esque), which I have not much against, but they still have this negative side to them. And the animal paw shoes (I've liked versions of this idea in the past, but as a combination with the other concepts... There is a meat dress somewhere in the show if you watch the video. Again, it's been done before and recently with different tones). Don't forget the message on the bag (here? Where?). Or the men's underwear.

Maybe it's all about the crisis of capitalism, of excessive consumption. A comment on recycling and global warming.

But then there's the mad-woman wedding dress. And there is where you wonder if the designer is saying women are mad to follow fashion (a statement that's becoming popular as far as I've seen in interviews with designers), or mad if they get married. Or, plainly, just mad.
I cannot make up my mind. What do you think, smart and witty and political? Or silly, offensive and diminishing?

Small again

Yes, I am trying to collect all the small and cute and envy-inducing apartments I find on the blogosphere.
Here's one found at The Sevety Tree.

The quest for the perfect cup continues

(if you type cup or mug in the search box I suspect you'll find several attempts at spoting "the one").
Find these ones here.
Via Bliss.

Meet a fabulous lady... Melisser Elliott

Melisser is not only a cruelty free cosmetics blogger (that's a long definition). What's more, she's not only a very generous and fantastic lady (she's replied to my queries so quickly and lovingly). What Melisser really is is a vegan make-up genius that has managed to construct a reliable, ridiculously precise list of what we vegan ladies (and men) can wear on our faces. And I mean, reliable to the point of being more exact than what most companies PRs will send you.

For instance, did you know that M.A.C.'s matte lipsticks are vegan? I definitely didn't. So squeacking of joy, I bought two colors. Then I saw "Carmine" written on their box, I though, oh, dear, missinformation. So I told her I had actually read the box and that sadly they weren't. You know what she did? She informed me that M.A.C. uses a generic box for their products (a bit like when you buy chocolates, the box will have writen down the ingredients for all of them at once, and you'll never kow if the dark chocolate ones are vegan or not). And! She fowarded me a reply to a letter she sent M.A.C. about it with the lab analysis of what's vegan. I mean, she is a super star. Thanks a lot, Melisser!

Exit through the gift shop

Banksy's film. Can't wait!


Right, here we go!
Before I reveal the winners, I'd like to thank with all my heart every single one of you that have entered the giveaway. You've been great to "meet".
I really want to say a big, big, big THANK YOU to all the bloggers that have spread the voice about it, very especially to Brittni (PapernStitch), Erin (Design for Mankind) and Caroline (I am a greedy girl). They've always backed me up and I cannot express how grateful I am to them.

So, the Pencil Portrait goes to... 27 TANYA

And the Hair Portrait goes to... 64 INDIANNA

Congrats ladies and I hope you are as excited as I am about this!

I wanted to especially remark that the winners have been selected at random. There have been some really intimate reasons for which you guys would like either portrait, and I've been very, very moved to receive and read them every day.
For this reason, I am going to offer a 30% OFF in either kind of custom portrait (pencil or hair) to everyone who entered the giveaway. This means that the hair portrait would be only 52,5 dollars ; and the pencil portrait would be only 87,5 dollars. I hope that this makes up for having only two winners and allows everyone to have one. All you need to do is email me with your blogger name (as you've signed below). You can order as many as you like at this price, until the 31st of December.
Thanks again!

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About Me

My photo
Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at


When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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