I am PROUD, PROUD in capital letters, PROUD that we said PROU -enough, in Catalan- (Ok this was easy).
No more bullfighting in Catalonia, by law.
No more unnecessary death.
No more cruel tradtition.
No more hiding behind "Art".
Thanks to everybody who has made this possible.
And let's take it to the rest of the country.

(*I happen to have internet in Astudillo this time!)

To be continued

Oh well, oh well.
I was just getting the taste of blogging again after the internet move, and now the summer family-visiting responsibilites will make it hard again!
Mr. M and me are going to see his family in his village (I told you about it here).
Be good.

I leave you with the extraordinary work of Debra Baxter, who I already posted in the A to Z of makers, but her work is so fascinating that I'd like to show you guys too. The materiality, the subtlety and the humour of her pieces are unique.

PS: If you love it, she's got a jewellery shop!

Toy Story 3

I laughed, I howled, I shouted, I chuckled, I stabbed the seat with my nails, and I managed like a big girl not to cry. Go see it now.

Round Radio

Teague Radioball from ben collette on Vimeo.

Via Noquedanblogs.

Treasury!: If macaroons were objects

I've made a treasury!
I think I must have missed something, because it used to be really hard to get a treasury spot from Europe. Maybe it's just summer and people are too busy being outdoors :)
You can visit it here.

Head over gele

Thanks Mr. M!

1950 - 2010

New project updated in my portfolio!

Nosideup shop: new, new, new!

Dear everyone, as promised Nosideup is back up, and so much has been happening in there!
You can now find a lot of rather abstract paintings I made in Barcelona. Most of these are made with liquid watercolors, a marvelous condensed pigment that leaves a velety finish and, lots of the time, unexpected hues and textures.
These paintings are mostly explorations of colors and finishes, and have amazingly subtle pigmentation and feeling.
In the next few days I plan to add Paperbling to Nosideup and have it all uner one (virtual) roof.
I hope you enjoy the changes, and please let me know what you think!

Devendra Banhart

Mr M and me went tohis concert in Madrid and it was delicious. We had so much fun, and his talent is so evident.
If you've never seen him live, try.
Pic from El Pais.


This is the island of Hashima, one of the 505 abandoned islands in the Nagasaki Prefecture.
There is something so evoquing, so dramatic, so nostalgic. All the concrete, so human, so urban, so alone.
See more here.
Thanks, Mr Ed for showing these to me.
PS: Guess who's got internet finally!... :)

Aunt Peggy has departed

there is always space for ghostly, femenine, magical installations in this blog.
The materiality of memory is always a thrilling and personal topic to explore for an artist or a designer.
Please take your time to look around the other projects too.
By Shane Waltener.
Via Double Takes.

Joon&Jung: Cloud stool

Young, soft, whimsical design.

More here.
I've missed blogging so much... no internet yet.


Dear everyone, as you know I've been moving to Madrid (I've learnt that one is moving in continuous tense rather than just moves, in a finished tone). As usual, what is meant to be a quick easy peasy box-it-all, load-it-all, unload-it-all, unbox-it-all is taking a bit more. Specially the internet. I do not know why but Spanish internet providers like to take weeks and weeks to sort the littlest thing out. So please, please, please, bear with me.
I've moved to a small but incredibly luminous and airy apartment in the Latina district of Madrid. That means I am at a ten minutes walk from anywhere. We are totally delighted. We've been thinking really hard how to make the space work for us and I have to say we've managed beautifully. I'll hopefully have pics, at some time.
When Ms. Internet comes back I'll reopen the shop and it will be exciting. There'll be stuff you haven't seen. Stay posted!
I leave you with two lovely apartments that are small but so lovingly designed . If anyone has any more tinyspirations (how do you like that?) please let me know!
Have a refreshing week,

see more here.

see the rest here.

Classic and playful

Lace on tree

Beautiful intervention by Jane Morton.

Gaga and Orlando

Orlando lived for 400 years, firstly as a man and later as a woman.
Gaga, are you reversing Orlando's story? Will you live 400 years?

Life has taken over

Today has been a bizarre day.
I woke up nervous like hell because today I would know most of the results of my applications to MA programs in Madrid.
I turned on the computer hopeful that the people in charge to upload the lists would have been as excited as me and would have done it early. Instead, I found out a friend from my secondary school in Swaziland had died unexpectedly. When a young person dies, besides the world turning upside down, everyone says how joyful and fantastic the kid was. But in this case, he really, really was such a beautiful soul, so much fun, so terribly clever, so fantastic. He just was a fabulous character.
I can understand the sentece telling me that he is gone, but I can't fully grasp what that implies.
Mr M. and I tried to continue packing the flat (we are moving on Saturday early morning, so there was no option to take the day off), completely in shock.
In the afternoon, the lists were up and it so happens I've been accepted in the MA I wanted the most, despite the difficulty to get in.
I'm so sad I'll have to remember today forever.
I guess sometimes life simply takes over.
Sometimes you have a taste of two sides at once.
Sometimes you realize that you can really hurt for somebody you did not know that well.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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