everything is happening so fast

Mr M and I are in Madrid. We've now found a tiny lovely flat in the center and we are arranging the move.

I'll be a bit invisible for the coming week...
See you soon...

Crossing culture and domesticity

Nice re-contextualization of the domestic unto the urban, and interesting juxtaposition of cultural imagery (the grey road, the flowery persian-like rug). By Lise El Sayed.

Via Design for Mankind.
PS: note to self, do not use "nice" and "interesting" as adjectives ever again.

Coiled for Editions in Craft

Project by Editions in Craft (I think we are gonna hear more about these people...).

BCXSY in collaboration with women beaders from South Africa.

kid to reality

An artist's project consisting of turning children's drawings into "realistic" images...
Reminds me of this project.

Got milk?

No, and I won't. I do not mean to preach, but this post is for those who wonder about veganism.

Pinhole experiments

These are part of my photography class. I decided to make a pinhole as explained in here, rather than making a big one with photographic paper and so on. Have you ever played with this kind of techniques?


Work by Emily Speed. Via ///.

I feel exactly like that, vulnerable and safe at the same time.

I am officially announcing that Mr. M. and I are moving to Madrid. This is the 4th city in 4 years (London-Oxford-Barcelona-Madrid). Barcelona has been absolutely fantastic, but Mr. M. has been offered a dream job (yay!), for which we are really happy. Nonetheless, I am now trying to finish my course, find a flat, pack this one and apply for more courses in Madrid. So yes, happy but still unsure. I never thought we could be such nomads.

PS: Spanish flats for rent tend to include furniture. And I mean "grandma-just-died", ugly, barroque, dark furniture. Not only that, but if you see a 40m square flat it's probably cluttered with two sofas, two armchairs, several wall shelves, TV furniture, coffe tables, dinning table with 6 chairs, two beds instead of a double one, golden lamps, etc. I'm heroically cruising through the see of bad (or lack of) interior design. Wish me luck!


Kimonos made with African wax fabric by Wafrica.

Interesting point of this being transnational or a third aesthetic rather than multicultural or fusion-like. Rather than just a commercial opportunity for a younger market (of which there's part), I can also see a dialogue, a greeting, an exploration between cultures. The more I learn about postmodernism, the less I know if we are happily overcoming it or if it is just laughing on our faces (I know cultural debates don't really do that, but hey).
I've been seeing all these African print clothes sprouting everywhere in Europe this spring (World Cup, maybe?), but,as you can see, this is just the beginning. Bring. It. On.
Thanks to Onafrica. Via Africa is a Country. Also see the Japan Times.

Goodbye, Louise Bourgeois

"I've been to hell and back, and let me tell you, it was wonderful"

Possibly the grandest artist that has ever existed.
May her soul continue to inspire us forever.

I had never cried for a dead artist before.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at http://www.mariagilulldemolins.com

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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