Zhili's Birds

So subtle. So poetical.

Via Dezeen.

Aesthetics Voodoo

This has been my latest (conceptual) sculpture project (I do three weekly hours of figure modelling in clay too).
I ritually collected my hair after brushing for weeks. Then I made a voodoo doll out of them. And I inflicted on myself cut outs of fashion magazines, pinning them with needles (as you do).
It is presented in a display case with a label, like if it was in an anthropological museum of the future. The label describes that women in the 20th and 21st century were known for bizarre ritual behaviour surrounding ideal aesthetics, such as starving themselves or implanting synthetic bags in their breasts to enhance them.

PS: You might have noticed I have been entering more "me" posts lately. That's because I also blog at The A to Z of makers, where I write mini-profiles of artists I'd like to remember.

Ambi pur, eau de toilett


Swine flu, Bikram yoga, illusionism and magic. All together now.

Yes, this week one (that's me) has been busy. Mr M. and me signed up for an introductory week to Bikram yoga (unlimited access for our bodies to adjust). it was my b-day gift and I loved every minute of it. Even when you sweat 3l. or so for 90 minutes. Very, very worthy to try. I intend to go on, as far as the budget and time allows.

Then, I decided (well, not really) to get swine flu. Yay! go, me, go. But, sweaty detoxified (see above) vegans do not get sick, do they? And the "I've got a temperature" episode just lasted for a day. And Mr. M. didn't even get it. Swine flu 1, me 2. Ha!

And then it happened to be the week of science. And the science museum of Barcelona used to be a yearly ritual when I was a kid. Until it stopped. So I wanted to go back badly. Plus! There's this illusion and science show where they explore magic tricks and illusions. I had awesome fun and even learnt some magic secrets :)

The implications of Lady Gaga's dress

Lady Gaga belongs to the type of people that you love or hate. I realize I look at her more as a performance artist than as a musician. Her job is to "épater le bourgeois", to make you look twice at the universe she's managed to create, to make you be opinionated. I think these type of people are healthy to have in the public shpere.
But now, let's look a bit closer to her new video, Bad Romance. Again, leave the music and what you think of it behind. The imagery (courtesy of Haus of Gaga) in these video call for words such as alien, futurisic, beastly, vampire, robotic, and, well, in her own way, sexy. You just need to take a look at the mad McQueen pieces and shoes. But there's one Haus of Gaga dress in specific that has risen a lot of questions for me.

Bearing in mind that there is a certain look all throughout the video, what does this dress imply?
We have all seen breast padding, even ass padding. But this is a very tight fitting one-piece outfit with... extra rib and spine. Following this line of thought... if women wear something to artificially augment their breasts it's because they are considered sexy or sensual. Does this mean that there is a sense of erotism in having one's bones so marked? Or is this to remark the otherworldliness of the whole thing? What do you think?


My dearest S. gave me this and I'm in love with it. It's a tiny notebook that has 15 "idea" forms.

Each time you have an idea, you fill one up. It asks how much sleep you've had, if you've had any cultural input, what you've eaten or how original do you think this idea is.
When you've got 15 ideas, you can proceed to extract the information of the forms into graphs (at the end othe notebook) and then compare the data to find out when and how your creativity appears.
If you wish, you can send your reports to the creators so that a general study can be made.
See more here.

The Henbag

You see, when people have labelled you a freak there's no way out. I'm telling you from experience. This is how my sister got to decide this would be my birthday gift.

As I was telling you, it's a vicious circle: people decide you are a freak and then get you these things. Then you go out wearing them. Then people point at you in the street, and friends ask you about your henbag rather than your life. and your freak score multiplies. And so it goes, spiralling.
But, on the other hand, if I hadn't been labelled as a freak, I wouldn't own this fab henbag. And what fun would life be, then?

HandEye Magazine

I have been quite blown away by the images shown here. It´s very exciting to see the beginning of a publication that focuses on "design and development, culture and commerce, art and craft, and environment and ethics".

Souvenir effect

Sunday is (pretty much) free Museum day in Barcelona (super awesome, I know).

So Mr. M. and I did a small tour around whatever is on today.

We went to the design hub to see the "souvenir effect" exhibition. Now, I´m telling you this because that was almost a design theory exhibition. It was not only about the objects themselves (souvenirs) but rather about the symbology of it, the rituals of tourists, the future and its alternatives. It was a great way to present such aspect of design to the public, given that usually design shows are more like: "that´s a great chair" or "the first toaster that talks".

Shame that it did not go as deep as it could have gone. It was a big show but very "light". And you got a mini computer to consult along the exhibition, shame that this incredible display of originality became a bit pointless and gimmicky because the computer added nothing much to the printed information provided.

Lauren Kalman

Really interesting conceptual jewellery work. Fabulous growth of the idea of body, embellishment and illness.

2nd attempt!

Remember the first "go and paint" exercise I had to do?
Now it's time for a 2nd one.
Is it good? Not really, no.
Is it better than the first one? I really cannot say.
Is it different? HELL YES.

In between these two I've learnt about:
-color families
-color integration and contrast
-color tones (well, I say i've learnt this but I'm totally tone bling, apparently. I've repeated the tone exercise so many times I could cry)

Plus I've processed as much information about the impressionists and post impressionists (specially about Toulouse Lautrec) as I've been able to. (Is there a certain, very light Opie-ism about it too?)

And please let me say this: it is the first time, ever, that I paint without even sketching a line. This has all been done without photographs or drawing support. Mirror and brush that's all. That, I like.

Internet is dead again and mr m's iPod doesnt even let me write a post!


Read her story here.

See Ali's site (the photographer of the original image) here.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at http://www.mariagilulldemolins.com

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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