26.11.09 0
25.11.09 1
Aesthetics Voodoo
Swine flu, Bikram yoga, illusionism and magic. All together now.
Yes, this week one (that's me) has been busy. Mr M. and me signed up for an introductory week to Bikram yoga (unlimited access for our bodies to adjust). it was my b-day gift and I loved every minute of it. Even when you sweat 3l. or so for 90 minutes. Very, very worthy to try. I intend to go on, as far as the budget and time allows.
20.11.09 1
The implications of Lady Gaga's dress

16.11.09 0
My dearest S. gave me this and I'm in love with it. It's a tiny notebook that has 15 "idea" forms.
15.11.09 1
The Henbag
You see, when people have labelled you a freak there's no way out. I'm telling you from experience. This is how my sister got to decide this would be my birthday gift.
14.11.09 0
HandEye Magazine
11.11.09 1
Souvenir effect
10.11.09 0
Lauren Kalman
Really interesting conceptual jewellery work. Fabulous growth of the idea of body, embellishment and illness.
9.11.09 1
2nd attempt!
Remember the first "go and paint" exercise I had to do?