Back up soon!

Hello everyone!
looks like we might possibly have a flat for us in Barcelona (Hooray!); we only need to be the first ones in the agency when they open to fight for it (Boooo!).
This means (if we are the quickest, that is) that I'll hopefully re-open Nosideup and PaperBling the first week of September.
Thanks for bearing with me through all this crazy month!
I cannot wait to have an address...

African Moroso

Remember I was telling you about African textiles?

These is what Italian company Moroso has made inspired by them and all African crafts (I know, we are all asking: what did African crafters get out of this? Apparently they've set up a small atelier for 20 artisans adn the industrial designers were African, European and American).

I like them. Let's see how this all goes for everybody.


I did not write "here and there" as I said I would. But I shall be forgiven for Paris was absolutely delightful. I went with the secret anger of knowing it could not live up to the hype to all the " you'll love it", "oh, it's just so beautiful", "Oh, Paris, I really love that city". But it did. And it exceeded expectatives. The museums! (Oh, Pompidou, Oh, Quai de Branly); all the boulangeries and little shops! The Parfum shops!! Oh, oh, oh.
Too good.
I'll search through the pictures that Mr M took (I am a disaster with cameras); and I'll share the nicest ones.

I'm off!

Mr M and I are off on a "together" holidays to Paris. It's funny, because we've lived in a few countries together, but never gone on proper holidays together. After almost 5 years and a half, it feels right. I'll try and post here and there anyways.

Well, au revoir!

BoupBoup Fabrics

Some of my most precious "souvenirs" from when we lived in Swazliand are fabrics. Sorry about the stereotype, but African fabrics are mind-blowingly colorful, fun, vibrant and different.

BoupBoup sells some textiles that remind me enormously of those. And I cannot wait to go back to get like a thousand more.

Can you imagine the frustration?

A long, long time ago (I can still remember) Mr M and I decided that the next step was Barcelona. That was good. Then I applied for Uni, and I got in. That was good too. And now September is at the doorstep and we have no flat. Now, that's not so good.

Plus, I am having all this nesting cravings. I want chairs, tables, shelves and plates. A bit like when I moved to Oxford, only worse because I know the space will be more ours, and not a standard university flat.

I've even been to Ikea (I needed a trip so badly, there was no Ikea in Oxford), and been unable to get anything because I cannot even imagine where will we end up (although there is a place I'd looove to get other than the mentioned in flat love. Send good vibes this way and I'll tell you all about it if i get it!).

I'll leave you with images of one of my life cravings: blackboard paint. I'd paint everything in it. I'd paint myself in it. I still don't know why, but I love it.

Figleaf wardrobe

Another Elf-like fantasy piece by Tord Boontje.

Makes me curious to see what's he gonna do in the coming years.

Flat love in Barcelona

I just needed to share, I've found flat love in Barcelona.
This place was small but so cute and with the pretties terrace ever.
Mr M and I were delighted with the place, but so are several others.
Wish us luck, we'll need it in the flat race!


I went to the cinema to see Up, the new Pixar movie.

And all I'll say is that I feel I've gained or learnt something from having gone and watched it. And for that i must be a teeny tiny bit of a better person. I obviously enjoyed myself enormously. I can confidently say it's the best animation movie I've ever seen.

Please, do not miss it. You'll be a bit more human afterwards.

think local

I am always an ungrateful brat and spend my summer holidays complaining about my hometown. I would use "dull" to describe it softly. But every early August the whole place lightens up and becomes full of people, buzzing. This is called Firagost and well, every year is similar but it never fails to get us all out in the street.

Since I have been far away I've developed a craft-culture or a material-culture awareness and love to see what my region has to offer.

Here are some pics of my naughty buys (I am still looking for a flat, but filling it up already!) and the streets.

Emily Watson

Interesting jewellery artist.

I appreciate the rather personal sense of aesthetics.

I'm in Spain

Looking for a flat.
thins are slow, and it's hot.
I'll be back.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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