Thanks, Krista!

Krista from the amusing and cool "Badder Homes and Gardens " Blog has been keen enough to feature my hair portraits. Thanks a ton!

Pure genius

I shall bow before this absolute genius idea (by Cherise Mericle , as seen in Design*Sponge).

How amazingly fun is to have the possibility to change the portrait everyday by wipping its body off the blackboards? Cherise, I salute you.


New piece in the shop...

I honestly like using colors, just hadn't had the time to show the world...

Flaming red

I have secretly envied red-heads all my life. It was a total shock to find out that the lucky colored get absolutely bullied in the UK. Why on earth would they? These portraits by Jenny Wick (called Root Ginger, about to be exhibited in London) show the absolutely fascinating hues nature can come up with.

Hairy humour

Veet ad. Had me laughing for a while.

Freud on paper

I am fascinated by people's sketches and drawings. They might have been considered minor pieces compared against finished paintings, but these are great. I keep on looking at the dates and calculating: how old was he here? Is there still any hope for myself?

Slumdog Millionaire

Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh!
Really, really thrilling, moving, sad and enjoyable.

Reclaim the streets!

Here are some projects that try to regain control over the public spaces... (as usual, click on images to go to source).

1: Pop down ...

4: Photoshop

Pink visions

I swear I am not girlie. I do not want to be a girlie-girl. I am scared of the insane proliferation of pink things. I am disgusted at pink technology aimed at girls. Nonetheless, I am having visions of pink lately. I think it all started with a bunch of roses I bought. We'll see where all of this ends. At the moment, the visions have flowrs, walls, woods and whites. Sometimes they have metallics too. What do you think, is it reversible?

Click on images too see source.

Walton Ford

The animal protraits by Walton Ford totally fascinate me. They are cruel and beautiful and, in a way, old. As much as I like it, the £1000 book on him is still a bit steep. Oh well, there'll always be Google images.

I'm in love

If I ever have a sofa (the thing that came with the flat can't really be called sofa), it should have these on. By Chakra Pennywhistle.

Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller

Mr. M. and I almost missed the exhibition "The House of Books has no Windows". Almost, but we didn't. And I have to say that I'm so, so terribly glad for it.

Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller have "designed" this haunting exhibition, that (as far as I am concerned) deals with memories, relationships and has as well a very educated inspiration (stories by Borges, Kafka, etc.).

The use of media is just right. You find yourselves listening to old voices coming out of books, images, playing just as you pass by. You can look into a model of a cinema, and listen to what a couple are saying (the man "speaks" on your left year, the woman on your right).

It's almost Louis Bourgeois-esque: the absence, heavy in an artificial room. The time, visible somehow. Just more interactive.

I cannot describe how much I liked it, how much I savoured the sensitivity and the intelligence.

If they ever show around you, please, please go.

Plan your sickie

I'll just say, new Ikea collection coming.

See more here.

Plan your sickie, use your holiday allowance, book a nanny, retire early. Whatever it takes.

Wes Anderson

I once stated that I'd love to live in a Wes Anderson set. I stand by my sentence. I love Wes Anderson. I hallucinate with his colorful images, I feel satisfied with his unhappy wit. If you have not seen The Royal Tenenbaums, get up, now. Go find it. (OK, OK, you may as well just passively open a nother window, into amazon, and buy it nice and seated). And don't get me started on the soundtracks...

PS: Mr ANderson has made it into the blog "Stuff white people like". I painfully accept this entry is true.

Frivolity in times of crisis

Check this multiple interview that appeared in the Guardian this Sat.

Whilst I got a bit annoyed with Starck when he single-handedly declared design dead, I could admit he's got a point. So, etsians, crafters, design-makers, designers (poor us, adapt or die), etc. have a look at this because it rings prophetically true...

Is anyone up for arguing one needs certain frivolity in awful times? I think we still need a feeling of luxury, but not necessarily in the shape of a £30000 table. Time and experiences are on the rise as valuables. A lay-in could be much more appreciated, and be just as much of a luxury.

So relax, make yourtself some loose-leaf tea and cuddle. No mohair/pashmina blanket necessary.

Bleu Nature

You all know about my problem with wooden stools.

I think Bleu Nature just does this on purpose. This is provokation. This, this... is just too lovely. Add them to my wooden stool wish-list. Sigh.
They also do this fascinating dishes...

5.5 designers

5.5 designers are a French bunch of true people who design. I can imagine they literally sit down together to sketch, invent and have fun. They actually sold their designs for a symbolic euro this october as a statement. I know, I'm biased, but seriously, they're authentic. This is how I feel design should be. I've been a fan for a while and I've got the purrrfect excuse to tell you about them.

They've just launched this set of sponges (produced by Scotch Brite). Isn't it ingenious how the sponge is a house off which little sponge-symbols can be taken? You can have your shower sponge, and your table ware sponge, and your loo sponge... ahhh...
Buy them here.

(If you want to see some more by them, please do have a look further down.)

Garden furniture

Christmas is definitely over

...even in Spain (where the Three Wise Men traditionally leave presents in balconies to good kids on the 6th).

So I am flying back to Oxford. Will the internet be ready there?

Who knows...

(pic from my town by my mother...)


I know we all read Design*Sponge, a lot. But these are too fab not to re-post.

Gulnur Ozdaglar has a blog and an etsy shop.

Marimekko fans, run!

Like Marimekko? Run, there's a sale.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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