Art Hypermarket

I've already mentioned Vincon here (best design store in Barcelona), and I've just been there again, and, darling, it's just divine. They had this Christmas special Art supermarket, and I've learnt about Lusesita,

Who do you like best?

Merry Christmas!

I´m back in Spain, tired from a crazy travelling (I do not drive,you see, and getting from Oxford to Stansted took a while), but being pampered and cared for at my parents'.

Happy Holidays everyone!


It consists of having half the face of somebody as a kid and half an adult one. I'm so tempted to do this for people I know!

post post modern

After hours of discussing if we are still in post modernism (design and art graduates, anyone?), I'm definitely drawn into this necklace by Brookadelphia.

Q10: Little Robot

I loved the first Q10 experience, so I'm going back for more! This time the super star is Lindsey from Little Robot. She's an artist om Glasgow with this almost Victorian style. Her work is ethereal and delicate, and sometimes even a bit eerie. She also writes the Little robot blog.

It's been so much fun to get her anwers back!

1-What makes you happy?

I love dinner with my best freind, and sitting in front of the fire and I like getting the initial idea for a piece especially if it comes easily.

2- What do you want to be when you grow up?

Reckless and daring!

3- What could you not live without?

I would find it hard to live without my eyesight. I've occassionally morbidly imagined being without my eyes, theoretically I could take up music but i'd be quite cranky for a while

4- What is your favourite object?

My prized possession is a photograph of me and my brother as little kids being tickled by my grandad.

5- What do you collect?

Books mainly, and anything natural. I also try to buy small pieces of art when I can afford it.

6- If you had to pick one artist...

Perhaps Eduard Bersudsky (see pic below)

7- What song would make up the soundtrack to your life?

Oh that's tricky...I love a bit of Led Zeppelin though...something utterly ridiculous from their back catalogue...The Lemon Song?

8- Sweet or savoury?


9- Why did the chicken cross the road?

He was compelled to by all the previous events which had taken place in the the end it was inevitable

10- One piece of advise (in Art, Blogs or life)

The best advice i've ever had is to stop thinking and just do - even if you don't like what you're producing just keep doing
Thanks to Lindsey!

First step, recognize the problem

The first step in overcoming an addiciton is recognizing the problem. Well, then. i am addicted. Badly. I covet every single hand-crafted wooden stool out there. Specially the ones in Elle decor SA. I need to go back to SA and accumulate. (ok, maybe the cure of my addiciton will take a while).


I want the foxes. and maybe the giraffes. Throw the reindeers in too.

Goodness. I really want the fox. Find them here.


I am a massive sucker for stationery, and it's culminated in a Paperchase spree.
I have a love-hate relationship with paperchase. On one side, the have eeeeeeeeeeverything. On the other one, they sell a lot of 13 yr old sk8tr grl stationery kind of stuff. But boy, the grown up collection had me salivating.
I am using the purple notebook to track my orders, and the diary is impatiently awaiting 2009 to start (the pics are lousy, but the diary has this fab yellow insides).

Monkey portraits

There's this absolutely grand bookstore here in Oxford that specializes in Art and Design. Now, this is terribly dangerous, so i try to go there as little as possible. But a couple of days ago, the taxman has been really, really nice and returned a little money to me. You see where I'm going, don't you? Books are one of the only things I cannot resist, as you already know. I have to say I was very, very good; I only got the Taschen hardback edition of Women artists (really good, by the way), and this little gem. The book was found on a shelf by Mr M., and it just struck some weird cord within us immediately.

Jill Greenberg is the artist that, some years ago, was considered controversial and evil for taking portraits of crying babies (remember?). These portraits are kind of mind blowing. The animals are so obviously intelligent, feeling beings, aware of their own existence, even reflective. And they are sometimes physically puzzling, like if nature copied cartoon characters. And then there's Jill's lighting effects that make it all so "plastic". Wonderful.

Gift wrap, part 2

You've been hearing of wrapping paper for a while now. It may be because it's Christmas, or it may be because my inner artist and my inner designer meet peacefully in the world of wrapping paper. Who knows. But here's yet another wraping paper post.

This little parcel contains a secret little present for somebody this Christmas. The wrapping paper is an original, held together with fancy palstic hair bands. I quite like it, so I wanted to share it (although the colors are much more delicate in the real world):

Q10: Argyle Whale

I've got a surprise for you. And I'm so happy to be about to give it away. I'm starting to publish mini interviews (Q10) with creative, fabulous people. And it's my greatest pleasure to introduce the first of them, Elise from The Argyle Whale, who also blogs. She's absolutely awesome because she a) owns bunnies, b) has a gocco (envy levels soaring now) and a tremendous sense of humour. And she combines it all into little art pieces!

So, I shall hold you back no more, here's the Q10:

1- What makes you happy?

I always enjoy the company of my rabbit friends, shiny new art supplies and hot drinks.

2- What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a better version of my current self. I want to be able to have a successful art career and have a happy family in a lovely home. Is that too much to ask?

3- What could you not live without?

My life would be very unpleasant if I didn't have the support of my husband and regular pep talks from my mothers. They help me every time I doubt myself.

4- What is your favourite object?

I was given an absurd vase shaped like a trout last Christmas and I use it to hold my cooking utensils. I smile every time I shove my spatula into it's gaping mouth.

5- What do you collect?

I have dozens of varieties of teas and herbs that I like to mix and I also have a container full of hundreds of pussy willow fuzz buds that I like to touch.

6- If you had to pick one artist...

Miranda July always delights me and I think she is great in an array of media. (see pic below)

7- What song would make up the soundtrack to your life?

I'm not sure if I've met that song yet but I will say that I sing "Lazy Bones" to myself pretty regularly when I need to get going.

8- Sweet or savoury?

Sweet! Absolutely. I'm tempted to keep a flask of maple syrup in my pocket.

9- Why did the chicken cross the road?

To live as a guest in my backyard and share her fine eggs with me.

10- One piece of advise (in Art, Blogs or life)

Try to keep learning all the time and don't forget to share what you've learned.
A massive thank you to Elise.


Vincon (Barcelona's best design shop) is selling this ceiling lamp that transforms into 8 different shapes. By Noé Marcial Camperi.


I bet you guys could see this coming, couldn't you? She's up in the shop...

Dogs have feelings

They've just said today on BBC radio 4 that it's been scientifically proven that dogs have feelings. Even so called "social" feelings (shame, guilt).

All I can say is:


(pup pic "borrowed" -sorry!- from Camilla Engman. Click on pic to be redirected to the Studio Violet blog where it comes from)

Richter's stained glass

Artist Gerhard Richter designed this random pixel stained glass for the Cologne Cathedral. I love the contrast of the modernity of the pixel (even as a concept) in such an old context. I also favour the lack of imagery, for a change. And the lovely light effect remains just as entriguing as an old-style stained glass.


Muji means "without brand" in Japanese, but you spot a Muji branded object from a mile. They are super clean, super smart, super rational but super cute: they are super Japanese too. And this Christmas, I'd watch out for these:

House gift wrap:

House incense holder:

Cactus container:

'Now with shorter queues'

Harvey Nichols is a really posh and expensive shopping centre in London (next to Harrod's). I have just found out what their ad for the Christmassy recession is:

I think it shows an unexpected and great sense of humor. Kudos to you, posh ones

Design Start

Darling Donna from Donnacampton has started a yummy new blog, Design Start, and she's been kind enough to feature some of my pieces. Since you already know those, why don't you check out all the other lovely articles she's put up? I've found some fab new (to me) etsians!
Postcard set above, by Donna. Available in her shop.

My penguin

They publish the book, and you design your own cover. Isn't it a whole new world of possibilities? I bet they make a loving gift! See more here (they're available at amazon too, just look "my penguin" up).

Fake it baby

Can't afford real wood this creditcrunched X-mas? Helps is at hand, dear. Here you can learn how to make you own wood-grain wrapping paper (I have not made it myself, but I've used wood effect paper to wrap gifts before, and they work a treat, try to mix with golden ribbons).

In the Curiosity Shoppe you can also get the Carve it yourself card (real wood here, see) or the fake wooden ones.

And since it fits in with the theme, you can always check Nutre's wooden postable jewellery again here too!

Strangeland by Tracey Emin

Read in an afternoon, it's left me shaky...

I'm hyperventilating

There are rumors (in Swedish, which makes me even more anxious because I can't understand what's going on) that... that. Calm, calm.

Ok, the rumors are that H&M (inhale, exhale) is launching (oh, my heart is racing)...

H&M is...



My hairs are standing. (Specially for the button pillows, boy do I lust for them).

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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