Hitler was not vegetarian

As I'm having a bit of a day off of serious blogging (see day's nastyness detailed before), I leave you with a nice piece of news: Adolf was not a vegetarian. See here.


It's my birthday today (yep, I'm a day younger than Mr. M). It has started with an extra, extra early shift at the jop (day job), with a massive delivery and just two people to sort it out. It has resulted in the shop opening more than two hours late. I was so tired I've cut myself repeatedly (accidentally, we work with sharp boxes and papers and knives), and even bumped my head harshly against a table edge (accidentally, too). I breathed in, finished my shift and got home, where I made myself some tea. And I've spilled the boiled water over my hand. I therefore decided I would ignore today and postpone my birthday until my next free day. But as I logged in I found loads of birthday wishes on my Facebook. I am far away from lots of people, and I'm terrible at birthdays myself, but it's made my day. They don't read the blog, neither do the girls i work with. But thanks, all of you, for making an awful day better.

Living art

When we first saw our flat, I felt a bit... umph. We had already agreed to renting it (it belongs to the University, so it's affordable and we are surrounded by fellow student families and couples), so we had to stick to it. The couple who had it before had not moved a single bit of furniture, and had not put up any photos or pictures. they had no flowers or fruit bowls. It felt so cold, I was taken a bit aback. But now we've been there for a month, the place has a bit more of life. We have moved the furniture about so that it suits our needs (working, living), and we have injected a bit of color into the rooms. We are going to be there for 10 months, it's owned by the Uni and we are broke. This means no Eames chairs (some day...), or vintage wooden tables, or plush handwoven textiles. It means make do with as little as possible because it's provivional and it was half-furnished (grr, ugly, ugly, ugly). We can't even really hand things on the walls! But, ha!, we can stick things to the walls!

And this is what I wanted to tell you. How it marvels me how two pieces interact when they are placed next to each other. A narrative evolves, and the pieces acquire a whole new meaning.
(Pic before, the Moomin and "Eliminate with softness" from my sister).

These are on top of our "sofa". They are acrylic portraits of Mr. M and me, with all the testing of the print I posted about some days ago (still to come to the shop). When the two portraits are shown together, they have a sense of unity, of "us". And with the prints, it' a full on declaration.

I wake up everyday to this wall. I consider it a work in progress. Little bits and pieces are added as they join the family. You can see pieces I've talked about. The two top sketches are studies for the portraits on top of the sofa. Then there's a Betsy Walton; a Louise Bourgeois handkerchief for Third drawer down (it reads I've been to hell and back, and let me tell you, it was wonderful). This contrasts the ad man print (from Bricklane in london), which claims It's going to get worse. There's my new Sandra Jutos (see some posts before), and the Mon petit phantome owls. Oh, and the ukio-e images (search old post).It all speaks about life and growth to me.

Then there's another Betsy Walton, with a random image from a flyer and a cut out from a movie ad that reads "Sometimes life brings strange surprises". And I find a connection in the sense of awe and surprise and love of life.

This is my "journey" wall, with more Ukio-e and an Ashley G and Drew.

And these are doors, to our bedroom (Ashley G and Drew again), with decals from Tasty suite (you've heard about them before, too). And the front door, with a ahnd crocheted robot from the V&A in london, and another decal.

Happy B-day, Mr. M!

This is my 100th post and I want to dedicate it to my darlingest, bestes, lovedest, amazingest Mr. M, who is tuning 22 today! He's a grown up boy, now. May your 22nd your be the happiest yet!


Hellovon is a Londoner whose art makes your arm hairs stand up. Terrifically cool, raw and beautiful. He's worked for Habitat, The Guardian, Nike... you name it. You can buy his work (run, it sells out quickly) here.

The most fantastic non-sense: Tuttuki bako

Check this out. Isn't it just great how much fabulous non-sense can we humans come up with (specially Japanese humans). The game is described as a "new interactive toy from japan (that) involves sticking your finger in a hole on the side of the box to interact with a virtual environment".Oh, yes. Sticking fingers is always a good ability to develop.

Via designboom.

Katherina, new print

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am extremely proud to present Katherina's portrait to you. She's the latest hair-do illustration available as a print from the shop. You might notice she's a bit more... "graphic" than the former ones. She's also far more vintage. It's exciting to see some evolution. Please welcome her with open arms!

Read her story (and get her) here.

Sandra Juto

Possibly every single blog that you read has had a post about her. At least, that's what it seems to me. I try not to re-bounce posts that have been already out there, so that you log in here to find out something possibly new. But, alas, some talent can't just be ignored like that. And that's why today I'm posting about Sandra Juto, who appeared into my (virtual) life out of the blue but it's here to stay.

I have had to give in to my bouncy heart and get her set of prints, or I could possibly die. It makes me wonder what is it with swedish artists, they infiltrate themselves into my life and imagery, and are stubbornly poetical. See her blog here, and her site here.


I am slowly finding my ways around Oxford, and today i've had a thrifty day. I first passed by Oxfam where they had a special camera sale (including a lomo at 99p! Shame it was the same I have), and then I found a poster pointing to an Alley I didn't even notice, and i found a dozen of elderly ladies selling bits and pieces. But they were closing and I moved on to the Oxfam book fair. Oh, yes. You know that as far as books are concerned, i am a sinner.

And forgive me, readers, for I have sinned. I have bought the catalogue of the Great Japan Exhibition of Art of the Edo period (1600-1868), by the Royal Academy of the Arts. And the main reason were the Kimonos. The impredictability of the colors and patterns and motifs to my western eye! Ihave taken shabby pics of them for you to check them out:


Idealist is a website that helps young designers getting feedback on their work. You can just upload any idea/project and you'll soon start getting votes and comments. And if you prefer to read and watch, you'll find immensely creative ideas here.

Examples of exciting projects:

The SOS bowl by Studiobo.

The Abduction Lamp by Lassie Klein.

(I had my go a while ago, you can see it here and here).

Ghost patrol

I just stumbled into some genius piece by Ghost Patrol. The flipping awesome mind of this young Australian artist has come up with the idea of using pencils as a canvas. Brilliant! Th other illustrations are full of charm, but the pencils! Oh, the pencils.

Full portfolio here.

Atheist Buses

The already unpopular London Bendy Buses could become even more polemic: they might display an Atheist campaig saying "there's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life".

I find it rather hilarious and good-hearted, and not necessarily disrespectful (the probably, the positiveness). I am sure loads of people won't find it half as nice.

Here's some comments on it:

"If it raises a smile as well as making people think, so much the better."
"Bendy-buses, like atheism, are a danger to the public at large. "
Read more here.

New mini originals!

I just put up two new original illustrations in the shop!

Read their stories here and here.

Gone rural

I hope yesterday's last post didn't make everybody feel too downbeat!

I am very, very honored to introduce you to Gone rural. Gone rural is a company that mixes beautiful, classic-with-an-edge design with traditional and local resources, crafts and, on top, empowers women. What else could you possibly ever ask for? The word is starting to spread; I've seen their stuff in Liberty of London (I am 99% sure) and it says on their website they're now available in Anthropologie stores.

I lived in Swaziland for two years, and I can only admire and love what Gone Rural stands for. They remain the closest to an ideal business I've ever come accross. Check their products out, they something to celebrate.

Failing to engage?

Since I changed the blog's name to the more personal Nosideup, it looks like the comments have gone, and so have the average visits. I am wonderign what makes you guys come by and read the stuff I post, see if there's anywhere I've failed to engage you...

So I've put up a new poll: what do you enjoy reading about the most?

And I want to remind you about the 50 people in the giveaway (there, I've made you all upset, now).

Objects of desire

This book by Adrian Forty in engaging and relevant even if you are not a product design student. What I've found most thrilling over these degree years is how people create relationships with objects, the little rituals. This book is not strictly about this, but helps understand the history of objects that surround us, and their effects. If you interact with objects such as hoovers and teapots on daily basis, it's a good read.

And these others are on my wishlist (which is loooong):

Tom Gauld

Tom Gauld is a minimalist illustrator whose work is usually in The Guardian newspaper. I love his satiric approach to life and creativity, and the simple look of his drawings. They are painfully, hilariously true.
See more here.

Galeria Brasil

This Saturday Mr M. had his Matriculation. This meant he had to get his "Harry Potter" look on (remember, this is Oxford) and get pictures taken. That did not take too long, and I had taken a day off to be with him. So we explored Oxford a bit more.

I had been hearing lovely things about Cowley rd, which is a bit like London's East end: multicultiral, alternative, young, arty and second-hand-ish. You get the idea. And there I found the first lovely treasure in my mental Oxford map.

Oxford has plenty of small independent galleries, buit this one was bolder, more vibrant and full of light. It happens to be Galeria Brasil (33 Cowley Rd). The Brazilian owner displays the work of Brazilian craft-makers and artists. It reminded me badly of my much beloved Cape Town. The energy, the will, the beautiful results of make-do. She was fantastic herself. If you ever pass by, say hi, have a look, breathe it all in. And buy something (the prices are very decent).

PS: Isn't all the crockery just beautiful? And the cock sculpture?

Getting colder...

Since you guys are from all over the world, I wanted to get a bunch of suggestions going: how the hec do you keep super warm and cozy in winter? Our flat is fitted only with electrical heating, which we obviously don't want to use too much. Any cheap, smart ideas welcome. (and if anyone has just bought a super warm sweater or coat, drop in where you got it from!).

Karl's teddy

Steiff is an iconic brand that makes traditional teddy bears. Or not so traditional, because here comes the Karl Lagerfeld Teddy. Expect prices around 1400 dollars.

Melissa shoes

Being vegan and stylish is an issue. Shout all you want about stereotypes. It is. Specially if you are on a budget. You can get bad shoes very cheaply from high street stores that can't afford to sell leather. Tell my feet about them.

You can get something like Beyond skin, but hey are very pricy and don't have that WOW!-factor. More like... cute.

Possibly the only brand that makes amazingly imaginative, non-leather shoes that are actually comfy is Melissa (Brazilian made). They are made of soft plastic. They also collaborate with designers such as the Campana Brothers, Karim Rashid, Zaha Hadid. Budget-wise, they have a range. Some of them are more affordable than others. I found out about them a couple of years ago when I find my pair very, very cheaply (I mean it) in some sales. They are transparent pumps. People stop me in the street to ask about them. They are gorgerous.

Oliver Bishop-Young

You want urban? You want interactive? You want idyllic transgression?

Get a bit of Oliver Bishop-Young. This gentleman has turned skips around London into little inner-city havens.

I love how a dirt container turns into a garden, or a swimming pool. More here.

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About Me

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Madrid, Spain
Trained as a Product designer and in Fine Arts (a bit). Now a MA student of Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Passionate about culture, trends, rituals and people (and vegan food). Proud owner of Nosideup Etsy store. See more at http://www.mariagilulldemolins.com

When I grow old I want my blog to be...

Nosideup @ Etsy

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